Empowering Women
Through Horsemanship Workshops

Participants and their horses work individually and in groups with Linda over 2 days, learning to build a deeply positive relationship with their horse. Learn to understand and nurture your horse using in-hand and balanced riding techniques.

This unique series is designed to empower women and foster a deeper, more meaningful relationship with your horse.

  • Day 1 | Demonstration by Linda; individual training sessions
  • Day 2 | Group work sessions; participants can work both on their own and with Linda, receiving guidance every step of the way

Linda’s teaching reinforces the importance of a horses’ mind and body connection, as well as the positive influence we can have on our horses when we empower our own space and mind.

These workshops are intentionally kept to small group sizes in order to enhance the value you receive and one-on-one time spent with Linda. Each horse and rider pair work with Linda 2 times each day.

Contact us for details about our upcoming workshops, or to learn about hosting a joint workshop with us at your own facility.

Duration: 2 days
Fees: $550 +tax
Notes: $250 non-refundable deposit required 30 days prior to the workshop. Auditors welcome for $30/day.

Maximum 4 participants per workshop

Follow our website and on social media for updates on upcoming workshops and events!

Host your own Empowering
Women workshop.